
Friday, May 6, 2016

University of Paris-Sud

University of Paris-Sud (French: Université Paris-Sud), aswell accepted as University of Paris XI, is a French university broadcast a allotment of several campuses in the southern suburbs of Paris including Orsay, Cachan, Châtenay-Malabry, Sceaux and Kremlin-Bicêtre campuses. The capital campus is amid in Orsay (48.699890°N 2.173309°E). This university is a affiliate of the UniverSud Paris and a basic university of the federal University of Paris-Saclay.
Paris-Sud is one of the better and a lot of acclaimed French universities, decidedly in science and mathematics.
Four Fields Medalists and two Nobel Prize Winners accept been affiliated to the university.
Paris-Sud was originally allotment of the University of Paris, which was after breach into several universities. After Apple War II, the accelerated advance of nuclear physics and allure meant that analysis bare added and added able accelerators, which appropriate ample areas. The Université de Paris, the École Normale Supérieure and the Collège de France looked for amplitude in the south of Paris abreast Orsay. Later some of the teaching action of the Faculty of Sciences in Paris was transferred to Orsay. The accelerated access of acceptance led to the ability of the Orsay Center on March 1, 1965.
Now it hosts a abundant amount of laboratories on its ample (236 ha) campus. Abounding of the top French laboratories are a allotment of them abnormally in atom physics, nuclear physics, astrophysics, diminutive physics and atomic physics, abridged amount physics, abstract physics, electronics, and nanoscience and nanotechnology. University of Paris-Sud comprises some 104 analysis units.
About 30,000 acceptance are currently enrolled. Pierre-Gilles de Gennes and Albert Fert, two Nobel Prize winners of physics, were affiliated to the University of Paris-Sud. A amount of a lot of acclaimed French mathematicians are or were affiliated to the University of Paris-Sud as well. A allotment of them are the Fields medalists Laurent Lafforgue, Jean-Christophe Yoccoz, Wendelin Werner and Ngô Bảo Châu.
Paris-Sud aswell comprises analysis and allure laboratories, engineering and technology schools and has accustomed partnerships with abounding of the surrounding technology centres and Grandes Ecoles. It aswell includes Schools of Law, Economics and Management.
In October 2015, The University of Paris Sud has been ranked 10th best university common in the Times Higher Education Beneath 50 which is baronial of the apple top 100 universities beneath 50 years old.
Paris-Sud is ranked 2nd in France, 7th in Europe and 39th common by the 2013 Academic Baronial of Apple Universities (ARWU). Furthermore, in this latest copy of ARWU ranking, the university is ranked 15th globally in the acreage of Natural Sciences and Mathematics; in the 5 accepted accountable rankings, the university is ranked 7th in mathematics and 19th in physics.
QS Baronial has ranked the University 241th in the world, 95th in Natural Science, 173th in Medicine and 305th in Engineering.

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